Expose AI Harms
Your voice is essential in the discussion about AI's impact on our lives. We believe in the collective power of individuals coming together to challenge the harmful uses of AI. Whether you are an employee, creator, consumer, or in any role, if you have insights or experiences related to AI harms, we want to hear from you. Your contribution can help drive collective action against unethical AI practices.
Statement of Independence
Human-AI Symbiosis Alliance (H-AISA) is a nonprofit research association committed to upholding the autonomy and integrity of our initiatives and convenings.
We have a strict policy of refusing any funding that could interfere with our ability to conduct work independently. We are committed to protecting the independence of our researchers and fellows in their academic pursuits and funding relationships. H-AISA remains steadfastly nonpartisan, aligning ourselves only with the principles of science, truth, and a future grounded in human-AI symbiosis. For more information, please see our statement on organizational independence and gift acceptance.